The wedding day in the eyes of an 11 year old girl
I asked this website if I could write about what kids like and don’t like about weddings. I am 11 years old and I have been lucky enough to have been to quite a few weddings. When I was 5, I was a bridesmaid and I even got to help get the bride ready for the wedding. Being a bridesmaid is really fun.
The most boring part of a wedding for a kid like me is waiting for everyone to make their speeches. It takes a really long time and it can also be annoying when the food is too grown up for us to enjoy. Discos are fun for children especially when people dance with them. When dancing I like to look a little bit silly as what is the point in standing around not enjoying yourself. Once a band let me sing a song
with them.
I love weddings as they are normally really enjoyable and its a time to have fun, meet new people as well as socialise with people you already know. You also sometimes get to go somewhere you have never been before FUN! I do get a little bit tired though and wish there was somewhere when we could go if our parents wanted to stay up.
I think that if you are getting married you should make sure there is plenty for the kids to do all day, make sure we have food we actually like and also make your speeches shorter or send us to a play area.
Thank you for reading my letter.
Morgan xx