Will your best man break the record for the longest speech?
Very often you’ll have a very tight schedule and you will want things to run smoothly and to time. Up to the point where the best man takes the microphone it normally does. One hour later people have been known to be falling asleep round the fringes of the room with the best man continuing to enjoy his moment of glory as if it was a substitute for not making it into the Manchester United football team earlier in his life and scoring the winning goal at a final in Wembley. You feel powerless and have the sit there for the duration while he inflicts wounds to your memories of the evening.
OK it is not always like that. More often than not the best man makes a good speech and doesn’t humiliate anyone too much. Here are a few guidelines for your best man to keep him on track. Feel free to point him to this page for a read and he as well as your guests will appreciate it.
Guidelines for the best mans speech
– Keep it under 15 minutes if possible
– Introduce yourself ( not everyone will know you )
– Try not to be too funny but humour is good
– Be sincere
– Do not bring up past relationships
– Keep a positive sentiment
– Share a few good memories
– Give some attention in the speech to the bride and not just your mate who she has just tied the knot with
– Speak loudly and clearly
–Make large notes if you are not a good speaker
(also have a back up copy handy)
–Do not read an essay
–Write the speech notes yourself
–Wish the couple a happy future together
–End the speech by asking all to raise their glasses
–Perhaps offer to shake the hand of the groom and offer the bride a kiss on the cheek.
All these things may sound obvious but the times I have heard speeches that have ended up a disaster. Good luck and remember you only get one chance at this…